
Successes of DHL Turkey

Founder of international speedy courier service in Turkey, as well as in the World, DHL operates in Turkey since 1981. DHL Express is dispatching more than 100,000 consignments per month to over 220 countries all over the world. DHL Express Turkey represents a cornerstone in the region in terms of both service performance and sales volume.

DHL Turkey, a leader in its sector with an approximate 50 percent market share in Turkey, through its more than 700 professional staff supported by its practices that have set the norm in the express air-freight and its highly developed technology, is a company that has been awarded with a well-merited ISO 9001:2000 Quality certificate.

Successes of DHL Express

1981 DHL began operations in Turkey as as an agency and immediately became the pioneer of speedy air courier.

1992 DHL Turkey fully merged with DHL International.

1996 DHL Turkey started regular flights to Ataturk Airport.

1998 DHL Turkey elected as having the best service quality among the countries in the European Region.

1999 DHL Turkey elected as the country with the most improved service quality.

2001 DHL Turkey elected as the country with the most improved service quality.

2002 DHL received Grand Prize given by "The Public Relations Association" for its "Buy Now From Turkey" project. DHL was chosen as the most successful company in the business sector it operates by Dunya Daily, the prominent business and economics journal. DHL was awarded first place in Capital Magazine's ?Most Admired Companies? poll. Easily standing out among other offices in the world, DHL Turkey received best Human Resources Performance Evaluation Prize.

2003 DHL was the winner of Leaders of e-transformation competition organized by the Capital Magazine. Dunya Daily's The most successful Company in 2002 in DHL?s own business sectors.

2004 In a poll conducted by the Capital Magazine DHL was among the most admired companies in Turkey.

2005 DHL received first prize in "The Most Admired Company" poll in the logistics business sector.

2006 DHL received first prize in "The Most Admired Company" poll in the logistics business sector. Selected as the most successful company in transportation in a poll conducted by the Dunya Daily.

2007 DHL Express has ranked top 3 in Turkey and top 5 in the Central and Eastern Europe Best Employers Survey conducted by Hewitt. DHL Express also won the Golden Compass Award, the country's top PR Award for its Turkish Tourism Promotion Campaign. DHL Express has once again became the first company in transportation and logistics sector to receive the first and only international standard in information technology, ISO 20000.

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NNM dedi ki...

Universitedeyken, bir kargo firmasi olarak DHL'e cok guvenirdim. O kadar ki Amerika'ya gonderdigim butun master basvurularinda (ki sayisi azimsanamayacak kadar fazlaydi) DHL'i tercih ettim. Master'im sirasinda da sadik bir musterisi oldum. Ancak, DHL, gectigimiz sene yaptigim Hollanda master basvurulari sirasinda, Almanya'daki merkez ofisin tasinmasindan tutun da paket takip sisteminin cokmesine kadar bircok sebebi (bahaneyi) one surerek cok onemli bir basvurumu ertesi gun teslim sozune ragmen 4 gunde okula ancak ulastirabildi. Dorduncu gun ogleden sonra giden paket ne yazik ki burs basvurusu icin son gunu kacirdigi icin kabul edilmedi. Okuldan kabul almama ragmen, burs alamadigim icin o okula gidemedim. DHL'e defalarca telefon actim, ozur dilemekten baska bir sey yapamadilar. Bu fiyaskodan beri DHL kullanmadigim gibi cevremdekilere de baska firmalari tercih etmelerini oneriyorum.

Ayrica, tutarsiz hizmet kalitesi sunan, ustelik bunun icin sorumluluk almayan bu sirkette calismak istemedigim icin, ise alim surecini baslatan sinava cagrilmama ragmen gitmedim.

Umarim siz de tercihinizi bir daha gozden gecirir, insana ve yaptigi ise daha cok deger veren bir firmada is bulursunuz.